This a story about a happy, young boy named George who was loved by everyone. George enjoyed music, playing card games, and bringing cheer to others by baking them special cakes. Shortly before his birthday he became ill and his friends began planning his party with the hope that he would be well by his birthday. Unfortunately, George died and instead of a birthday party they had a Celebration of Life party for him.
This is a MUST READ story if you want to find a way to help yourself or children deal with sickness, prepare for a funeral, or handle grief and loss. In addition to providing therapeutic questions that can be used with individuals or groups, this book provides a list of web-based resources and support groups on a variety of topics.
Dr. Moore - This book is a must read for children and adults.
"This is a great colorful book for a child experiencing grief or loss. The author did a wonderful job navigating through a challenging topic." Lisa M.
"It was a good book and brought up good discussions." Annamaria S
What a lovely, easy read written to help children understand and cope with the transition from sickness through death process. This is such a difficult topic for them to comprehend. Dr. Moore's compassion and kindness shines through in her message of how one can handle such a sensitive subject. I highly recommend this book.
Cindy S.
Hey, I read the book. I like how it’s not drawn out. George death is discussed within the first few pages. I also liked how you highlighted the different responses people could have to death such as them offering support by checking in with the family and some that stayed away due to being unsure. The book also highlighted how the friends discussion of the situation changed as time passed. I also love how the book speaks to the family’s natural healing process. This image is really good as well. Rayshawn